What is Coastal Concierge Primary Care?
Concierge Care is care provided by Dr. Poormehr. As a member you benefit from the following:
24/7 direct phone access to personalized medical advice.
All office visits for acute medical needs are included and free of charge.
Same-day or next-day timely appointments which can be as long as necessary.
House calls if needed.
Minimal waiting time for visits in comfortable private office setting.
Educational material provided to enhance your understanding of your health issues.
Annual comprehensive wellness examination that includes blood work, urinalysis and EKG.
Continued commitment to personalized care with an emphasis on wellness and disease prevention.
Recommendations and coordination of important tests such as colonoscopies, mammogram, MRIs and any other tests deemed necessary.
What other services do you offer?
At Coastal Concierge, we also offer Regenerative Medicine and IV Therapy.
Regenerative Medicine is provided in the form of FDA approved joint injections upon assessment from Dr. Poormehr.
IV (Intravenous) Therapy has been used by doctors for many years to administer fluids and medications. Today, IV therapy is used for preventative purposes and to improve overall well-being.
Learn more about Dr. Poormehr below
Shahrokh Poormehr, DO
Providing 31 years of exceptional medical care in Southern California

My Mission
Dear patient,
Health and wellness is the most valuable asset that each of us has. Many conditions such as heart disease, stroke and even cancer could be prevented or controlled if we were committed to focusing on early detection and prevention. A heart attack may cause a portion of the heart to die permanently. A stroke may paralyze half of the body beyond rehabilitation. When cancer occurs, it often spread beyond cure and it always requires expensive treatment, not to mention the emotional devastation associated with it. Would it not be better that we detect these conditions early enough to prevent them from taking our lives — or even impairing them.
I have helped thousands of patients in Orange County since 1990 as family physician/urgent care specialist. During these years, I have been dedicated to serving the medical needs of all patients. Most gratifying has been the relationships that I have developed with patients and their families; many have been with me for years. For this, I feel most fortunate and grateful.
Now, as your doctor, I would like to take this one step further and provide you with comprehensive and personalized care, with an emphasis on wellness and disease prevention. That is the care I believe you want and that is the kind of care you deserve.
I look forward to caring for you as one of my private practice patients.